Everything the average lay person might want to know about foxes should be here including detailed descriptions of all the species of North American foxes, their habits, and their interaction with man.
Before we go any farther, I must confess that my experience in this area is primarily fan-ish. Most of what is here I learned from books, the web, or T.V. rather than any kind of first hand field work. Several sources of information have been useful in compiling this thing. In cases where different articles conflicted with one another, I made decisions about what to include based on how recent the opposing articles were, and whether they were supported by other references. The moral of the story is that any number of mistakes might have slipped by me. If you notice anything that doesn´t seem right, I´d really appreciate it if you´d e-mail me and let me know!
Red Fox Vulpes vulpes |
Grey Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus |
An editor´s choice award from Nearctica, a large gateway to North American natural sciences resources on the web. |
Richard T. Matheson
(c) 1997 by FoxSTAR Arts